The Art Thing: Advanced

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Program Type:

Arts & Crafts

Age Group:

Grades 3-5
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
This event is part of a combined series. If you register for this event, you will be automatically registered for all of the following events in the series.
Registration for this event is no longer open.
Allowed Grades: 3rd Grade to 5th Grade

Program Description

Event Details

Elementary kids are invited to unlock their creativity by practicing various art skills. 

Beginners (Grades K-2): 1/6, 1/20, 2/3, & 2/17.

Advanced (Grades 3-5): 1/13, 1/27, 2/10, & 2/24.

 Limit 15. *



If a registrant does not show up for 2 programs in a row without calling or emailing us, that registrant may be cancelled from the program for those on the waiting list. Frequent absences throughout the session, whether notifying ahead or not, may also result in cancellation if there is a waiting list. Unless due to emergency or illness, calls or emails must be made at least a day in advance. 


Property & Building Use - Unattended Children policy:

  • Children ages birth through 5 must be in the immediate vicinity of and in visual contact with a parent/guardian/caregiver age 14 or older.
  • Children ages 6 through 9 must have a parent/guardian/caregiver age 14 or older in the building at all times.